Welcome To TechHelp For Non-Profits!

First, I want to say thank you for visiting our site and second, I want to explain how this site came about. While most for profit companies have their own IT staff or the funds to pay for the projects they need, a lot of non-profits just don’t have the resources for a dedicated IT person, much less the funds to hire a consultant to complete the projects they need to make a meaningful impact on their communities. In most cases I’ve seen admin staff, office managers and attorneys at these non-profits trying to do their job and the job of an IT person. This can turn into a frustrating situation for the non-profit and the person trying to do both jobs.

I’ve been working with non-profits for over 20 years. Helping them make decisions on infrastructure, software, cloud and backup solutions. For years I’ve been trying to find a way to give back and share my knowledge with other non-profits that need a little help getting their projects off the ground. TechHelpForNonProfits.org is my way of giving back through blog postsYouTubeLinkedIn, GitHub and Consultations.

If you work for a non-profit and need help with a project or just have a question about how a technology works, fill out our contact form and we’ll review and get back to you.

I’m really existed to get started helping you with your next project.

Thank you,

Carlton Whitmore

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